Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Scenes from Jülich

Here are a few tidbits from last week.

Ballooning is popular around here. Every once in a while I see one or two of these drifting around. On holidays you might see as many as a dozen drifting around the countryside.

The countryside around Jülich is homogeneous, but beautiful. On the way home from work I sometimes wander down the footpaths through fields of wheat, barley, hops, sugar beets and strawberries.

It's getting late for wildflowers, but there's still a few out here.

Coal mining and electricity production are the major economic stays of the region. Here's one of the half-dozen or so coal-burning power plants in my neighborhood.

I found these kids at a street festival a few weekends ago showing off their breakdancing moves. You can watch the whole video here.

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