Friday, June 13, 2008

Forest Critters

The forest around Forschungszentrum Jülich is crawling with all kinds of woodland critters.  Most mornings on the way to work I see a half-dozen different kinds of birds, frogs, snails the size of golf balls, hares, giant slugs, and a brown fox.  I'm still on the look out for Snow White.

Greens.  Eat your greens.

Hedge hog!  This guy was completely unconcerned about me taking his photo.  Just stared at me a bit, munching a beetle, and then wandered slowly away.  Guess I would too, if I was covered in spines.

Magic mushrooms.  This is how the good research gets done.

Black beetles everywhere.  These guys are about the size of a dime.

These guys are everywhere too.  Don't go walking in the dark unless you enjoy mashing soft-boiled eggs with your feet.

Two very naughty Gastropods.

Update on last post

Re-reading my last post make me think I might have portrayed Indian culture unfairly.  Obviously, the opinions I'm repeating here belong only to the people who expressed them.  I'm sure there are huge variations in opinions from Indian to Indian.

And I finally got to taste a pigs foot!  My curiosity must have really impressed Run because he cooked me my very own half-trotter.  What a dude.  The foot tasted a bit like a beef-jerkey gummy bear, kinda sweet with a dark-meet taste and very very chewy.  I didn't finish it.

My very own pigs foot!