The crowd spilled out of the bar and into the street. Tensions were really high and everyone was half-drunk. The guy with the German flag on his cheek (first row, middle) screamed that the Germans were playing like **** for the first ten minutes of the match, and then wanted to fight me when I (and the two guys sitting next to me) told him "Relax man! It's just the first 10 minutes!" After some intense staring he gave it up, and by half-time he had forgotten it completely and gave me a big, beery hug.
The Turkish competition! They look happy here, but by the end of the match they were pouting like two-year-olds.
The match ended 3:2 for Germany, and everyone went wild! What an awesome night!
Wow, very very exciting. You will never see anything like in the US for a US team (definitely NOT a fütball team). I have to wonder with the attitude towards Turkish immigrants, if the Germans were particularly excited to see Turkey lose. I wonder what would have happened if Turkey won? Would their have been violence against Turkish neighborhoods and businesses?
Actually, the Turkish/German attitude after the game was very healthy. The Turks were very excited to have made it to the half-finals at all, so there was a lot of people partying in the street with Turkish flags, and the Germans and the Turks were mingling quite friendly-like.
If the Germans had lost, I don't think anything bad would have happened, at least not in Jülich.
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